
Contamos com uma equipe de profissionais de confiança que conhecem o ramo de Track & Trace. Eles podem resolver os problemas dos clientes de diferentes ângulos, oferecer os melhores serviços do mercado e construir relacionamentos de confiança com nossos valiosos clientes.


Montar uma equipe é como minerar ouro. Reunimos uma equipe de talentos de várias partes do mundo. Especialistas e profissionais seniores e alguns juniores em desenvolvimento. Tenho muito orgulho de cada um deles.


A individualidade e abordagem única de trabalho de cada membro da equipe cria um ambiente de trabalho colaborativo e inclusivo na 3KEYS. Além disso, a estrutura organizacional horizontal, o ambiente multicultural e a abordagem de entrega de equipe mista nos permitem reagir muito rapidamente às exigências do cliente e apresentar as melhores soluções.


Os membros da nossa equipe possuem ampla experiência em Serialização e Track & Trace com um conhecimento profundo das práticas da cadeia de suprimentos, o que permite aplicar as melhores práticas e padrões da indústria, bem como possibilitar decisões comerciais eficientes.

Sócio-Gerente do Departamento de Consultoria
Managing Partner Consulting Department, Managing Director of 3Keys India
Arjun has over 10 years of SAP Track & Trace expertise and excellent know-how in Track & Trace processes. Arjun has worked with the European and National authorities to define processes for the Nation level reporting systems. In 3Keys, he was involved in multiple national and international projects in various roles for Pharmaceuticals, Agro-Chemicals, Commercial explosives and FMCG.
Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Business Development Director
Jose has 10 years of experience delivering end-to-end traceability and authentication projects for Tobacco regulated markets e.g, OLAF, EUTPD, Russia Regulation, UK, UAE- as well as Pharmaceutical and Beer industries. Currently, Jose is responsible for Business Development in 3Keys GmbH.
Ulrich Schild
Diretor de Vendas
Sales Director
Ulrich had implemented his first Track & Trace project in life sciences more than 15 years ago. Since then, he has worked on the topic from multiple perspectives, as programmer, consultant, client, IT Lead, project lead and now as Sales Representative for all industries which are affected. He combines a strong client-centric consulting approach with the deep technical and process knowledge of Logistics and Serialization.
Diretor Financeiro e de RH
Finance & HR Director
Oliver has a wealth of international supply chain management experiences in leading management roles and 12 years of experience in Track & Trace Program and Service Delivery in highly regulated industries. In 3Keys Oliver is accountable for executing 3Keys operational business plan of growth and owning and driving financial budget and HR strategy.
Dono do Produto de T&T
T&T Product Owner
Mark has more than 10 years experience in designing and implementing traceability platforms in the tobacco industry. He is able to combine technical knowledge with a comprehensive understanding of logistic and manufacturing processes. At the moment Mark is product owner in 3Keys
Especialista Sênior do Setor de Serialização e T&T
Sr. Serialization and T&T Industry Expert
Alexey has worked for many years in the field of Track&Trace. He has been engaged in many projects in tobacco, pharma, retail in various roles such as developer, consultant, team lead and others. Wide experience and deep technical & business process knowledge have made Alexey one of the best subject matter experts in Track&Trace.