The start date of mandatory labeling: September 1, 2022.
1) medicinal products with secondary (external) packaging (except for orphan drugs) shall be subject to mandatory labeling from September 1, 2022.
2) medicinal products with primary (internal) packaging, provided there is no secondary (external) packaging (except for orphan drugs) shall be subject to mandatory labeling from November 1, 2022.
3) medicinal products and medical devices for orphan diseases (according to the list approved by the Ministry of Healthcare) subject to mandatory marking from March 1, 2023.
4) Drugs included in the register of drugs with foreign registrations, the results of which are recognized in Uzbekistan are subject to mandatory labeling from March 1, 2023.
5) medical devices on the list determined by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan will begin to be labeled from February 1, 2025.