Bulletproof compliance with Kvinta

Manufacturers, Distributors, Warehouses, 3PLs, and Retail are engaged in hundreds of logistic processes and Kvinta orchestrates them from a Serialization and Track&Trace perspective, providing compliance and creating business opportunities. Compliance with Kvinta means that Kvinta clients can easily follow all required processes and documentation at the item and aggregated levels and communicate required changes according to regulations.

Kvinta works as an integration HUB-supported data exchange process providing high data visibility and improving supply chain visibility. Different markets and industries follow specific T&T rules, varying from simplistic to highly complex examples. Kvinta is designed to cover all scenarios and offers industry/market-specific features. Besides that, Serialization and T&T regulations are evolving, and Kvinta ensures that our clients are not only compliant today but are ready to be compliant tomorrow.
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L1- L5 concept in Serialisation and T&T

• Print Codes
• Scan (read) codes
• L1 control
• Receiving codes from L3
• Reject codes
• Verification of application
• Manufacturing order management
• Ordering of L4 serial numbers
• Allocation of serial codes to L2 lines
• Manage aggregation structure
• Code status management
• Generation of serial numbers or request for numbers from external systems
• Issuance of serial numbers to L3 and external partners
• Events repository
• Exchange of data with ERP and warehouse systems at code level
• Code level data exchange with partners in the supply chain
• Reporting to regulatory systems
• Analytics

KVINTA serves as a Level 4 Т&T solution, offering a central repository for serial numbers and events and out-of-the-box compliance reporting for different markets and legislations.

KVINTA is fully integrated with internal manufacturing, logistical, backend and sales solutions, as well as external supply chain partners and service providers.

Kvinta works — business runs

Record Monitor Exchange


  • receiving of history of goods incl. current pack hierarchy
  • recording of pack hierarchy changes (unpacking/repacking)
  • recording of status changes (damage/destruction)
  • recording of receiving, shipping and returns
  • generating and submitting required reports for subsequent supply chain partners
  • generating and submitting required reports for regulatory agencies
  • querying data for investigations
  • analyzing data individually or aggregated

Kvinta is fully integrated with internal manufacturing, logistical, backend, and sales solutions, as well as connected with external supply chain partners, service providers and reporting authorities.

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Optimierung der Compliance durch fortschrittliche Integration

Im komplexen Geflecht moderner Geschäftsabläufe ist die Einhaltung sich ständig weiterentwickelnder staatlicher Vorschriften nicht nur notwendig, sondern ein entscheidender Aspekt zur Aufrechterhaltung der Geschäftskontinuität und des Wachstums. Kvintas fortschrittliche Integrationsfähigkeiten sind darauf ausgelegt, diese komplexe Herausforderung zu vereinfachen, indem sie Unternehmen nahtlos mit staatlichen Systemen verbinden.

Die Kvinta-Plattform fungiert als Brücke zwischen den Abläufen Ihres Unternehmens und den von den Regierungen auferlegten regulatorischen Anforderungen. Diese Verbindung ist entscheidend für Unternehmen, die ihre Aktivitäten und Statusmeldungen in Branchen berichten müssen, in denen die Einhaltung der Vorschriften streng überwacht und durchgesetzt wird, wie z. B. in der Pharma-, Lebensmittel- und Getränke- sowie Automobilindustrie.


Ulrich Schild

Sales Director


Wir sind der Meinung, dass eine moderne Lieferkette eine neue, flexible und zeitgemäße Serialisierungs- und Track & Trace-Lösung erfordert. Kvinta ist hier, um Ihrem Unternehmen zu helfen, sich an die Dynamik des Marktes in der digitalisierten Lieferkettenpraxis anzupassen.

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